naithika 51

March 6 2023

Gmail case 2
Case scenario

Hii ,this is N .naithika 3rd bds student this is an online ebook book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent. This also reflect my patient centred online learning portfolio 

Case history 

Patient details 
66yrs old male  resident of suryapet presented with 

Chief compliment
Patient came with shortness of breath 1 week ago
Generalized edema 

History of present illness 
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1yr back. Then he developed swelling I both the limbs for which he went to Asian Institute of nephrology where he was diagnosed as having chronic kidney diasease was put on medication. Patient again developed swelling of both of both limbs after 3 months he was taken to hospital he was advised hemodialysis and raised creatine levels. Total 5 hemodialysis are done till now patient undergoes regular peritoneal dialysis last was done yesterday morning since 1 week patient had shortness of breath which was initially grade 3 and progressed to grade 4 genelised edema 

History of past illnesses 
Diabetic mellitus past 10 yrs ago
Hypertension past 10 yes ago 
Ishcemic heart disease 10 yes ago 
Coronary artery bypass graft was done on 2011

Personal history 
Bowels: regular 
Micturition :normal 

Family history'
No similar compliments 

General examination 
Pallor: no
Cynosis: no
Lymphadenopathy: no
Temperature 98.6c /f
Pulse rate 96 min
BP It 150/80